Project Team - “Voice of 1,000”

Dr. Sean Lyons -

Dr. Sean Lyons is an Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies and Professor of Leadership and Management at the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Lyons’ research interests include intergenerational differences and their impacts on workplace dynamics .

Erik Steiner

My name is Erik Steiner and I am a first year MSc Marketing and Consumer Studies student who is very interested in how marketing can be better used to understand and shape prosocial behaviour in society.


Adeola Adegoke -

Accountant with over 20 years of managerial-level experience across private and public sectors.


Mechanical Engineer (P Eng.) with experience in the oil and gas sector (US) and project management (Canada)


Accountant with over thirty years across non-profit and government sectors


Software Engineer and recent graduate of the Masters in Business Administration, Warwick Business School (England) - with over fifteen years of experience in the airline and tourism industry including service with Lufthansa Airlines.